Sunrise Psychiatry
TMS Therapy For Depression
Welcome to Sunrise Psychiatry, where our mission is to provide effective and compassionate mental health care to those struggling with treatment-resistant depression. Our clinic specializes in the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS Therapy. It’s an FDA-approved, safe and drug-free treatment for depression.

We aim to help patients achieve long-lasting recovery from Major Depressive Disorder and improved well- being.
Take the first step towards a brighter future by complete the self- assessment tool to determine if TMS therapy is right for you. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, from insurance eligibility and appointment scheduling to cost review and consent.
Are Antidepressants & Therapy Not Working?
Depression is a debilitating mental health condition that can significantly impact an individual’s daily life and well-being. Despite the availability of traditional treatments such as antidepressant medications and psychotherapy, many people continue to struggle with persistent symptoms of depression.
TMS therapy is a non-invasive and safe alternative treatment for depression that uses gentle magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. The treatment was first approved by the FDA in 2008. Since then, it has become an effective treatment for people who suffer from treatment- resistant depression.
Treatment involves placing a magnetic coil on the patient’s head which generates magnetic pulses that stimulate nerve cells in the brain, specifically in the Prefrontal Cortex. The targeted magnetic pulses help stimulate the areas of the brain that are typically under active in patients that suffer from depression. The magnetic fields are strong enough to activate the nerve cells, but not strong enough to cause discomfort or harm.
TMS therapy typically includes five sessions per week (Mon-Fri) over the course of 6 – 9 weeks, or until remission is achieved. Each treatment session lasts around 19 minutes, so patients are usually in and out of our clinic within 30 minutes! Patients can drive themselves to and from their appointment and resume their normal daily activities after their sessions
Is TMS Therapy Effective
For Major Depression?
The effectiveness of TMS therapy for depression has been proven in several clinical studies. It has been shown to provide significant relief from symptoms of depression for many patients. The treatment is also non- invasive and does not require the use of drugs. This makes it a good option for people who cannot or don’t want to use drugs at all.
TMS Therapy is a personalized and effective way to get relief from treatment-resistant depression. At Sunrise Psychiatry, our experienced staff will work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your individual goals and needs.

Did you know:
Nearly 75% of tested clients have achieved clinical benefit from TMS sessions for Major Depressive Disorder.

About Sunrise Psychiatry
Sunrise Psychiatry is a friendly and personalized psychiatry practice in Overland Park, KS. Our experienced and compassionate staff are dedicated to providing empathetic and engaging care to help our patients achieve depression remission and enjoy a better life.
Client Testimonial
“I struggled with depression and anxiety since I was young and, most of the time, I was able to manage with medications. However, shortly after I gave birth to my son seven months ago, I was struck with severe postpartum depression and anxiety, and medications were only having a minimal effect. On the highest doses, I still experienced despairing feelings, and debilitating anxiety. I tried TMS with an open mind and hoped these treatments would provide me some relief. I’m so glad I did. It has been life changing! I no longer feel depressed or ruminate. I’m able to be more present with my family, and I feel more hopeful.
After 25 years of being on medication, I am finally tapering off. After just 30 treatments of TMS, Dr. Elliott told me that I had reached remission – words I never thought I would hear from a doctor. TMS has truly been a game changer, and I am so grateful to Dr. Elliott and her team.”
In-Network Insurances For Depression Treatment

We have also had successful in- network exception requests for Humana and Missouri Medicaid. Even if you don’t see your insurance here, we may still be able to help you fight clinical depression!
Take The TMS Self-Assessment
Take the first step towards a brighter, depression-free future! Complete the confidential self-assessment. This quick and easy questionnaire will help determine if TMS therapy is right for you.
What's Next To Become Depression-Free?
Our team is here to support you every step of the way, from insurance eligibility and appointment scheduling to cost review and consent. Our TMS coordinators will review your insurance and eligibility requirements, and schedule your appointment for a medical exam and clearance. Our team will also review your case with your insurance company and provide a clear understanding of the cost and coverage involved.
Contact us for more information about TMS therapy and Sunrise Psychiatry. Our team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
You can call 913-333-0448 or send us a message online to get started!